Tag Archives: PopMob

Opposing the Alt-Right on the streets without buying into their violent, macho dramatics

PopMob is enjoying the fight against the far-right on the streets of Portland.

Josh Marshall comments, “In combating fascists and all manner of rightist hooligans and authoritarians, it is a constant battle not to be drawn into fighting on their terms. … At a basic level we must resist their drama and their conceits as much as their violence and their hate.”

Marshall quotes Effie Baum, a spokesperson for PopMob: “The far-right wants to get into fights and act all macho. We want to make that virtually impossible.”

The Unpresidented Brass Band.
Unicorns against fascism.

Vegans against fascism.
“Be the spectacle.”

“Short for Popular Mobilization, PopMob is a group of concerned Portlanders united around a single, common goal: Inspire people to show up and resist the alt-right with whimsy and creativity. We’re activists and organizers from many groups, including labor rights, arts, education, healthcare, and more. We believe that the people of Oregon don’t want what the alt-right is selling and we know we can push back against hate as one strong community.”

(Image above headline from PopMob Facebook page.)