Tag Archives: Sean Hannity

A contagious Trump, back at White House/Walter Reed Hospital Annex, preens and postures as a strongman

NBC News via YouTube.

A sick man with access to the finest, state of the art therapies and exceptional medical doctors, returns to his residence. With all the resources of the federal government available, he is as safe and secure as if he were still tucked into a bed next to the presidential suite at Walter Reed, which is a ten-minute helicopter ride away.

Heedless of anyone else’s welfare, he has revealed (time and time and time and time and time again) — in the face of more than 210,000 American deaths and 7 million infections — his character for all to see.

(Another tell on the man’s character: Neither the White House, nor Trump’s physicians have answered questions about the President’s most recent negative test. While Trump has repeatedly claimed that he is tested everyday, that’s difficult to take at face value. The test is hardly comfortable. I suspect that the would-be strongman has been unwilling to submit to daily testing.)

Sean Hannity, a master of misdirection and duplicity, proclaims a great man — on par with Churchill and FDR.

HANNITY: Remember 1933 during the height of The Great Depression, my father was growing up in those years, on the brink of a World War. Franklin Delano Roosevelt proclaiming we have nothing to fear but fear itself. A reminder. 


PRESIDENT FRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT: Let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. Nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror. Which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance. 


HANNITY: And on the other side of the Atlantic — 1940 — the great Winston Churchill echoed this fearless call to action. A powerful address. Victory at all costs. Victory in spite of all terror. Victory however long and hard the road may be, for without victory, there is no survival. Remember this?


WINSTON CHURCHILL: I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat. You ask, what is our aim? I can only say one word — Victory. Victory at all costs. Victory in spite of all terror. Victory, however long and hard the road may be, for without victory, there is no survival. 


HANNITY: And during the bombing of Britain, where was he everyday? Going out, risking his life, being among the people of Great Britain. In times of great hardship you must fight for survival. And that is exactly what the President has done during this country’s battle against COVID-19. 

Not everyone will agree with that assessment. I suppose we might regard the campaign video Trump made immediately upon his return to the White House as a Rorschach test:

I just left Walter Reed Medical Center, and it’s really something very special– the doctors, the nurses, the first responders. And I learned so much about Coronavirus. And one thing that’s for certain, don’t let it dominate you. Don’t be afraid of it. You’re going to beat it. We have the best medical equipment. We have the best medicines, all developed recently. And you’re going to beat it.

I went, I didn’t feel so good. And two days ago– I could have left two days ago. Two days ago, I felt great, like better than I have in a long time. I said just recently, better than 20 years ago. Don’t let it dominate. Don’t let it take over your lives. Don’t let that happen.

We have the greatest country in the world. We’re going back. We’re going back to work. We’re going to be out front. As your leader, I had to do that. I knew there’s danger to it, but I had to do it. I stood out front. I led. Nobody that’s a leader would not do what I did. And I know there’s a risk. There’s a danger, but that’s OK. And now I’m better. And maybe I’m immune, I don’t know.

But don’t let it dominate your lives. Get out there. Be careful. We have the best medicines in the world. And there all happened very shortly, and they’re all getting approved. And the vaccines are coming momentarily. Thank you very much. And Walter Reed, what a group of people. Thank you very much.

A KFF poll last month revealed the remarkable faith of the Republican base — in spite of all evidence to the contrary — in Donald Trump’s commitment to preserving the ACA’s guarantee of coverage for pre-existing conditions.


Said one voter: “I truly, in my heart of hearts, believe that even though he sometimes says things I don’t like, and acts in ways I wish he wouldn’t, I still think he has everybody’s best interest at heart.”

Will the Republican base — mistrustful of the mainstream media, medicine and science, and the liberal elite — accept Trump’s coronavirus worldview? Perhaps so. But that base, by November 3, may be considerably smaller than it was in November 2016.

Time will tell.

A “Manipulated Media” tweet exposes FNC’s disinformation in service of the Republican Party

[Editor’s note: original headline revised to avoid confusion.]

Sean Hannity, one of Fox News Channel’s most popular personalities and a presidential advisor (“I never claimed to be a journalist,” he says), found himself the subject of mockery in a Meidas Touch video. The video splices the FNC star’s words with clips of the President of the United States, to create a more accurate commentary than anything we can expect to hear on Fox.

Hannity complained to Twitter (since his words were directed at Trump’s enemies, not at the man himself), which responded by posting a Manipulated Media warning. Meidas Touch was undaunted.

Although FNC has a history of employing manipulated media in its broadcasts, something more significant is going on with the outlet: Fox News Channel manipulates news and information, facts and context, to distract and deceive its conservative audience (which has been trained not to trust what are clearly more trustworthy sources of news, information, facts, and context). That manipulation is the raison dêtre of FNC.

Journalists (like doctors and scientists) make mistakes, but they strive to get things right. “Conservative media do not embrace this journalistic mission (or the ethos of science) to inform accurately. Their job, in the conservative media ecosystem, is to bolster faith in their leader, to cast doubt on facts that might undermine that faith, and to attack and disparage anyone who contradicts the message of the day.”

(Image: Sean Hannity with his conspiracy chart via Vox.com.)

Nikki Haley, adopting a venerable GOP tactic, falsely smears Democrats on Fox News Channel

In yesterday’s post, I suggested that a well-worn Republican political strategy was to strip Democrats of legitimacy — to cast their points of view as shamefully beyond the pale. Today brings a fresh example of the technique, as reported by Philip Bump (“The Soleimani aftermath pivots to a key Trump talking point: Democrats are traitors“) in the Washington Post. He quotes Nikki Haley, formerly governor of South Carolina and Trump’s former U.S. Ambassador to the UN, speaking with Sean Hannity:

“You’re not hearing any of the Gulf members, you’re not hearing China, you’re not hearing Russia — the only ones that are mourning the loss of Soleimani are our Democrat leadership and our Democrat presidential candidates,” she said, using the by-now familiar “Democrat” diminution. “No one else in the world.”

“That is sad,” Hannity replied, laughing.

(We can thank Bob Dole for the ungrammatical use of the noun ‘Democrat,’ instead of the adjective ‘Democratic,’ to describe leaders and candidates in the Democratic Party. Nowadays, this has become the politically correct fashion among Republican talkers.)

I haven’t read Haley’s With All Due Respect, but since she is dissing the party leadership and candidates, I suppose she doesn’t include Democrats among those who are due any respect.

Hannity’s laughter reveals the insincerity of his expression of sadness.

As Bump notes, Haley’s claim is bogus. No Democrats have mourned Soleimani’s death. “What Haley’s tapping into here, though, is a swifter current than simply the last week of criticism about the strike on Soleimani. Hannity’s rapid, unquestioning embrace of Haley’s line was certainly on-brand for Hannity, but it also reflected that, to Hannity and many other Republicans, Democrats are seen as unpatriotic or, worse, traitorous. It’s not a new idea in politics, but it’s a newly powerful one, embraced by President Trump himself and by his campaign.”

Horrors! Brit Hume is embarrassed by presidential campaign coverage

The occasion? Senator Kamala Harris, while campaigning in South Carolina, purchased a colorful sequined jacket.

Robin Abcarian notes that “manly” endeavors, such as Brit Hume’s skydiving with Bush 41, a publicity stunt for the campaign of the former president’s son, apparently do not count as embarrassing. Nor did Hume display any discomfiture about pitching softball questions after the jump to the candidate’s father about W’s campaign.

Abacarian chalks this up as sexism and a double standard. Maybe so, but I’ll offer another theory: it is shameless partisanship by a TV personality working for a cable channel, Fox News, that is bound at the hip to the Republican Party.

Sean Hannity serves as a co-host with Trump at his campaign rallies and acts as a presidential advisor by phone, while offering fawning coverage on the air. Nothing new here.

Tucker Carlson erupts, when confronted with a point of view (millionaires and billionaires should pay higher taxes) that’s the polar opposite of the Republican Party’s prime directive and then told that, in his role at Fox, he is “not meant to say these things.” Of course he’s not, nor does he need to be told.

Bret Hume, never doubt for a moment, is as much in the corner of the Republican Party as anyone at the conservative network. It’s not vintage ’80s clothing, or journalistic standards, or the peculiar way campaigns are run that’s agitating Hume. It’s simpler than that. This woman is running to replace Donald Trump in the White House. Oh, my.

March 2, 2019 update: Let’s add another Fox News on-air personality to the Republican hack list: Jeanine Pirro, whose starring role at Trumpetts USA events – yes, this is a thing and it enriches the President of the United States – was featured in a recent Erik Wemple column, which concluded that “the race to the bottom at Fox News has hit the homestretch. So long as Hannity has set the standard for ethical corruption with direct support to Trump World, how can the network even consider stopping someone like Pirro from speaking at an event from which the president profits?”

Sean Hannity at Fox News signals the president on the Trump agenda: “National Emergency!”

Video courtesy of Twitter:

January 10 update:
