Michael Cohen elicits Rashômon-effect on House Oversight Committee

“You said all these bad things about the president during that last thirty minutes, and yet you worked for him for ten years?

All those bad things, I mean – if it’s that bad, I can see you working for him for ten days, maybe ten weeks, maybe even ten months, but you worked with him for ten years.” (C-Span video beginning at 1:08:03)

So said Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH)—Ranking Member of the House Oversight Committee and founding member of the House Freedom Caucus—expressing concern with Michael Cohen’s truthfulness this morning. Meanwhile, Jordan continues to work furiously on behalf of President Trump—a crusade that has certainly extended beyond ten days, ten weeks, or ten months. Of course Jordan has asserted, in response to persistent questioning, that he is unaware of Donald Trump telling even a single lie.

On the other hand, what are we to make of this, from Representative Carolyn Maloney (D-NY)?

 “Thank you very much for your testimony and, Mr. Chairman, this is a story of redemption.” (1:26:54)

Let’s hope that more skeptical Democrats, who wish to restore credible Congressional oversight of the Executive Branch, are searching for corroborating evidence for anything Mr. Cohen has to say.