This explains why Republicans have cast off their principles

In a previous post, featuring a snarling Lindsey Graham, who transformed into a Trump sycophant after John McCain’s death, I acknowledged, “I don’t know what happened to Senator Graham.”

This polling – before and after – tells the story of his success in improving his poll numbers with the Republican base:

April 2018:  51% // March 2019:  74%

The Senator is up for reelection in 2020.

This week the President of the United States has been obsessed with attacking Senator McCain – who died seven months ago. Few Republican Senators have objected to these attacks. Most who have spoken up, including Graham, have done so only gingerly.

And so it goes, over and over again. The President’s assaults on common decency, democratic norms, and matters of principle get a pass from Republicans likely to have a Republican primary in their futures.