Donald Trump on the campaign trail, in the White House — and failing as a president

Just days after Donald Trump acknowledged on tape, and then in person, that he has deliberately downplayed the gravity of the coronavirus, he’s still at it at a campaign rally in Michigan:

. . . Tell your governor to open up your state!

You know, it’s all Democrat governors and I think they do it for political reasons, you know, because there’ll be less activity. You’d be doing even better if you had a governor who knew what the hell she was doing. You gotta open up the state. . . .

Trump-Pence campaign.

Trump’s fans are following his lead. Jim Acosta questions several rally goers:

Why are you guys not wearing masks?

“I had one with me. It’s my prerogative. …”

Sir, tell me, why are you not wearing a mask?

“Because there’s no COVID. It’s a fake pandemic created to destroy the United States of America. …”

Does it worry you guys at all to be in this crowded space with all these people?

“I’m not afraid. The good lord takes care of me. If I die, I die. We gotta get this country moving. …”

More than 192,000 Americans have died of COVID-19 — and counting. In the past three days (September 9, 10, and 11), more Americans died of COVID-19, than perished on 9-11 nineteen years ago today.

Meanwhile, Trump performs a skit to illustrate the threat to the suburbs if Joe Biden is elected.

Does anybody wanna have somebody from antifa as a member and as a resident of your suburb? I don’t think so.

‘Say, darling, who moved in next door?’

‘Oh, it’s a resident of antifa.’

‘No thank you. Let’s get outta here. Let’s get the hell outta here, darling. Let’s leave our suburbs. Aww, I wish Trump were president. He wouldn’t have allowed that to happen.’

That’s exactly right. I won’t allow it to happen.
Trump on Twitter.

Aside from rallying his base, what’s Trump been up to? He describes how he spends his time and where he gets his information [spoiler alert: Watching TV — Fox Business Channel and Fox News Channel]:

… I watch some of the shows. I watched Lizzie MacDonald, she’s fantastic. I watched Fox Business. I watched Lou Dobbs last night. Sean Hannity last night. Tucker last night. Laura. I watched, uhh, Fox & Friends in the morning.

You watch these shows, uh, you don’t have to go too far into the details. They cover things that are – it’s really an amazing thing. …

Trump on Twitter.

Good to know “you don’t have to go very far into the details.” I’m sure Donald-Person-Woman-Man-Camera-TV-Trump grasped whatever Lizzie, Lou, Sean, Tucker, and his other Fox friends tried, without going very far into the details, to communicate to him.

Sarah Cooper.

Fifty-three days to go until November 3.

(Image: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver.)