Tag Archives: Ron Klain

No plan to defeat the coronavirus; Trump casts shade on testing; White House veers and cheers

“We don’t have a single point of leadership for this response, and we don’t have a master plan for this response.” — Rick Bright

“We have greatest testing in the world. We have the most cases than anybody in the world – but why? Because we do more testing. When you test, you have a case. When you test, you find something is wrong with people. If we didn’t do any testing, we would have very few cases.” — Donald Trump

“We had left a playbook and it was easy to tell that’s what it was, because it said on the front in big red letters, Playbook, and then it had all those steps you needed to take. Sixty-nine pages of steps of what to do when a pandemic loomed.

…First everyone said no such document existed. Now today the White House press secretary came out and said: Well, there was this document, but it wasn’t really that good. And we had our own document … – which contradicts the fact that the Trump position till now has been: Well, no one saw this coming.

Now the position is: Well, we saw it coming. We rejected the Obama playbook. We had our own playbook. Our playbook was better.

… The only thing that’s consistent in the excuse making from the White House.” — Ron Klain

“There’s never been a vaccine project anywhere in history like this. And I just want to make something clear. It’s very important. Vaccine or no vaccine, we’re back.” — Donald Trump

More than 88,000 Americans have died of COVID-19. And the dying hasn’t stopped.

(Image: Kayleigh McEney, holding the Obama administration’s Playbook, while celebrating the disastrous response of the Trump administration to the pandemic.)